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Pioneering healthcare surveys

Reduce the time to complete clinical studies from months to days.

REDCap, but simpler.

If you are like many other clinical researchers, you may be using a system like REDCap to collect data. We have found using REDCap takes up to 3-6 months to fully train staff and pass an IRB to collect clinical data. With our HIPAA-compliant platform, you can create and publish a survey within minutes.

Types of questions

We're able to build consent forms, audio questions, and standard survey questions.

Consent forms

Easily create consent forms for opt-in consent from patients.

Audio question types

Create an audio question type - recording up to 60 seconds of audio per question.


Standard survey forms

Create multiple choice, freeform text, rating scales, and radio checkbox questions.

IRB approvals

Work with our team to get free templates for IRB consent forms and clinical protocols.

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